Picture of me wearing glasses and smiling at the camera

HTML/CSS/Javascript enthusiast

Some things I made for the web

Most of my web apps (try to) adhere to AA accessibility ("A11y") standards, as well as using current web technologies.

Volleyball scoreboard (vanilla HTML/CSS/Javascript modules)

Simple web app for keeping scores in volleyball games. Calculates points at the end of each game, data is saved to the browser's local storage and preserved until that storage is cleared.

There is no communication with a back-end or a database, the only web traffic is the loading of the html, stylesheets and Javascript files.

Walkabout Minigolf Course Chooser (vanilla HTML/CSS/Javascript modules)

Walkabout Minigolf is a VR game I play. This little app helps with deciding on a course to play - having a little more functionality than the in-game random course chooser.

Shopping list (Vue 3)

My personal shopping list. You can test it out by entering "test" as a password.
A11y was not as much a concern here as was making it look like a.... well, a shopping list :) Therefore it is riddled with contrast errors, missing labels and more, but basic keyboard navigation should be doable.

Display HTML events (Vue 3 / Bulma)

Small web development helper. It shows mouse, keyboard and touch events, as well as logging them in more detail to the Javascript console for closer inspection.

Various test pages (plain HTML)

These are just playgrounds to test out some CSS and/or JS features, as such they aren't terribly neat or completely designed